Practical Financial Modeling Training
Criado para te ajudar a enxergar oportunidades no mundo dos negócios. Faça parte da nova turma!
Aulas ao vivo e gravadas – Modelagem Financeira NA PRÁTICA. Carga horária: 55h
You will finish this training with full knowledge,
skills and best practices you'll need to have
successful application of Financial Modeling.
Who is the course for?
Financial market professionals who want to develop their financial modeling skills.
Professionals who aim to stand out in the new business, M&A and Private Equity market
People who feel the need to explore the possibilities of a business based on analysis of assumptions.
Course journey
- Introdução à modelagem
Class 2
- Análise histórica
Class 3
- Revenue
Class 4
- Depreciation
Class 5
- Financing
Class 6
- Taxes
Class 6
- Working capital
- Stock
Class 8
- Financial statement part I
Class 9
- Financial statement part II
Class 10
- Part I Evaluation
Aula 11
- Part II Evaluation
Course program
Participants will build, step by step, a complete financial modeling tool based on a practical case, starting from the detailed projection of revenues and operating expenses and building a capital structure that translates the proposed business model.
- Revenue
Definition of metrics and projections of all billing lines. - Opex
Analysis of assumptions and projections of cost and expense accounts according to their respective drivers. - Capex
Definition of schedule and values for the acquisition of capital goods and depreciation of assets. - Financing
Structuring of debt based on different forms of financing. - Taxes
Calculation of direct and indirect taxes with analysis of different taxation regimes and use of tax credits. - Working capital and stock
Calculation of working capital variation contextualized in the dynamics of the case, including modeling and simulation of Inventory aiming at financial planning. - Financial Statements
Consolidation of projections in DRE, balance sheet and cash flow statements. - Advanced financial modeling topics
Project evaluation by different Valuation methods discounting leveraged and project cash flows. Calculation of indicators (IRR, Payback and leverage) and sensitivity analysis with definition of different scenarios and their respective impacts on the result.
Meet your enabler
Luiz Carlos Guilarducci, CFA
Sócio Fundador da Crescento Consultoria Financeira, com desejo de fazer da Crescento a melhor alternativa para pessoas e para empresas que desejam um serviço de qualidade, transparente, compreensível e por um preço justo!
Investment specialist with 10 years of experience. Business history linked to large infrastructure projects in Brazil, with solid leadership experience in the preparation of market studies, financial modeling, business plan and financial management of companies from the most diverse sectors.
Check out what happened in the last edition
Testimonials from those who have already done
“My initial expectation was to deepen my knowledge in Financial Modeling, since I had started working in the area and needed to consolidate some concepts on the subject. When you start working with a financial model in a large company, you usually find a complex, extensive and already finished worksheet. The course provides the preparation of a financial model from scratch with all good modeling practices being addressed. In this way, the professional can have a much clearer view of each topic structured in a model and their interconnections, culminating in the structuring of financial statements and valuations."
Since this is a mostly practical course, I was able to revisit some excel formulas and shortcuts. In addition, as it is a very complete course, some topics, not always addressed, were covered and further consolidated my knowledge about them, examples: PIS/COFINS credit, regimes and respective tax rates, deferred liabilities and assets, methods of valuation other than FCFF, among other topics.”
Diego Real
Aeroporto Rio Galeão
“My expectation was to close a gap of dispersed knowledge that I accumulated throughout my professional life. The teaching of the course was great. The mix of live and recorded classes worked really well. With the knowledge organized and acquired throughout the course, I feel more comfortable to move up a step in my career. Despite being an Excel Hard User already, there is always room to learn more. And one of the bright spots of the course was learning how to do more with fewer formulas by making my spreadsheets more auditable.”
Victor Fernandes
Porto Sudeste
“The expectation was to learn how to build a financial model from point 0. But the course goes far beyond building the model. It teaches you to develop the logical reasoning that underpins the entire tool, and therefore it is possible to apply it to any business and scenario. Also, having the opportunity to meet professionals from different markets makes the exchange of experience very rich and aggregating.
The methodology is very clear and didactic. Luiz and Gabriel have extreme knowledge, are super available, and manage to transmit directly. Also, the quiz held at the beginning of each class is a fun way to fix, and at the same time test, the knowledge acquired up to that point. It really exceeded expectations, and I recommend it to everyone who aims to develop in the financial, strategic or business areas.”
Amanda Otoni
Aeroporto Rio Galeão
“My expectation was to be able to feel more comfortable in doing a complete modeling from the beginning, in addition to having a greater critical power when evaluating other internal projects of the company. I found the dynamics of the course excellent. There are several hours of class, and when there was a conflict, just watch the video afterwards. The fact of having access to classes and being able to assemble your model, writing formula by formula, was a differential. The impacts are quite positive. Today, when I evaluate an internal model, I always open the file presented in class to serve as a basis, and I end up using it for personal purposes. I think the course was very helpful.”
Leonardo Chaves
Rocket SA
“Para mim que atuo no planejamento financeiro de concessão de rodovias, o curso de modelagem financeira na prática superou expectativas. O treinamento conseguiu agregar tanto com o conhecimento técnico de finanças, quanto com o networking entre os alunos. Foi possível nivelar todos os colegas com as aulas semanais, as aplicações práticas foram feitas com cases reais e os materiais sempre contaram com explicações claras por vídeo e apostila. Depois do curso, consegui aplicar ferramentas lá aprendidas que facilitam o planejamento e a modelagem de qualquer tipo de negócio. De fato, foi um dos melhores investimentos profissionais que fiz em minha carreira.”
João Victor Angelon Chinelato
Aegea Saneamento e Participações SA
“O treinamento de modelagem ministrado pela equipe da Crescento é, realmente, uma oportunidade de aprendizado gigantesca. Abordando todos tópicos dentro da modelagem de uma negócio, como as receitas, despesas, investimentos, financiamentos, tributos , impostos; tudo de maneira extremamente detalhada e esclarecedora. Somado a isso, o curso foi desenvolvido com uma abordagem extremamente prática, sendo ensinado durante a realização de um exemplo prático e aplicável em diversos modelos de negócio. Para contribuir ainda mais, o curso fornece diversos aprendizados a respeito da ferramenta Excel que irão te auxiliar a trabalhar com mais eficácia dentro da plataforma, seja na área de modelagem, como em qualquer outro uso da ferramenta. Indico o curso com os olhos fechados.”
Lucas Feres de Paula
Engenheiro Civil
“Ocupo a posição de Diretor de Infraestrutura e Novos Negócios da Comexport. Fiz o curso inicialmente para exercitar e renovar. Como estávamos na Pandemia e em casa, resolvi fazer um curso on-line. Quando eu vi que o curso é muito bom, didático e aplicável no meu dia a dia, coloquei duas pessoas do meu time para fazer o curso (e já tenho uma terceira pessoa para fazer o curso). Pretendo tornar o curso um treinamento obrigatório para quem vem trabalhar na área de novos negócios.”
Roberto Quintella de Paiva Meira
Diretor de Infraestrutura e Novos Negócios da Comexport
“Posso dizer que minhas expectativas foram altamente superadas, já que, através da linguagem simples e descomplicada e dos exemplos extremamente contextualizados, foi possível aprofundar no tema de uma forma que não esperava. A didática detalhada de aplicação do método no Excel também permitiu um aperfeiçoamento no uso dessa ferramenta tão imprescindível para o mercado coorporativo. Me sinto capaz de orientar os analistas da minha empresa para realizar modelos financeiros para nossos clientes, donos de micro e pequenas empresas. Indico o curso de olhos fechados não apenas aos profissionais de atuação financeira, mas a todos que desejarem conhecer e aplicar a ferramenta nos seus próprios empreendimentos ou no trabalho.”
Paula Tirapani
Coordenadora de Processos Comerciais no Grupo Larch
Frequently asked questions
On average 5 hours a week, considering live meetings, recorded classes and one more individual study schedule.
We cover all the skills needed to put together good financial modeling. But that doesn't include the specific metrics for your company, which differ according to the objective of the work. Instead, you'll learn how to choose the right drivers. The same principle applies to the other topics as well: you will learn to think critically on your own rather than being given ready-made outputs.
It's understandable that plans might change. You can cancel up to 1 week after the course starts for a full refund.
Each class is recorded and will be available for you to watch at your own convenience. With that said, we strongly recommend that you take the time to watch them live so you have the opportunity to ask questions, benefit from hands-on sessions and group discussions.
Yes, absolutely. Modeling and analysis skills are useful in many circumstances, in addition, the initial module of the course brings extremely rich content to optimize the use of Excel, a basic tool for anyone working with data and numerical analysis.
Financial modeling is performed in Excel, but thinking about this case, we have developed a complete lesson on using formulas in Excel. It is possible to improve your skills by following the course.
Send us an email at for any other questions you may have, we will respond as soon as possible!
Você pode acessar a plataforma e todo o conteúdo do Treinamento de Modelagem Financeira Na Prática até 2 meses depois do fim do curso.